We're launching our
new Website

We're coming soon!
We're working hard to give you the best experience!

About Us

  • Owner of a High- Grade Chrome Deposit License in Tefenni, Burdur
  • Over 1,5 Million Tons of Chrome Reserves detected
  • Current annual production capacity: 60 K tons chrome ore lumpy and fines, ranging from 52% to 30% Cr203
  • Very favourable Cr/ Fe and MgO/ Al203 ratios, exceeding exectations of the chinese metallurgical industry- main end users of the Alser product


We launch our new website soon.
Please stay updated and follow.


Ayazma Cad. Papirus Plaza No: 37, F12,
PK: 34406 Kağıthane, İstanbul/ Turkiye

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